
Administrative Enforcement

When staff at the Peru Securities and Cryptocurrency Commission believe that the Securities Act may have been violated by a person or company, the Executive Director can present the allegations in a Notice of Hearing.

The Notice of Hearing sets in motion a hearing process. A panel of PSCC commissioners hears testimony and reviews evidence presented by PSCC investigators, respondents and victims. Based on that testimony and evidence, and the law, the panel decides whether the respondents violated Peru’s Securities Act, and if so, what sanctions to impose, including monetary penalties and bans from market participation.

Administrative hearings take place at the PSCC, on the av. José Pardo 223, Lima, Peru. Hearings usually start at 10 am each hearing day. Hearing dates and times are subject to change and are updated on the hearing schedule.

The respondents might also agree to a settlement with the PSCC’s Executive Director instead of submitting to a hearing. Monetary sanctions and bans from market activity can also be part of settlements.

For anyone involved in investigations and hearings who is unfamiliar with the PSCC’s procedures can refer to: Your Guide to Settlements and Hearings.